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Enabling progress by embracing technology
At NOC Innovations, we develop new technologies to support the evolution of scientific research undertaken in all environments, including the Poles and the deep ocean.
By harnessing technology and collaborating with others, we’re able to design, create and use cutting-edge sensors and instruments.
Many of our creations are directly relevant to marine organisations, including our robotic autosampler, RoCSI and the Marine Snowcatcher.
To read more about some of the sensors we’ve recently developed, click here.
How can we help?
Through R&D, mechanical engineering and futuristic electronics, we’ll help you solve challenges your current technology can’t by:
- Using our pH and total alkalinity sensors to accurately monitor ocean acidity levels and feed into our understanding and modelling of climate change
- Tracking gas leakages from pipelines with our methane sensor
- Monitoring CCS wells with our lab-on-chip sensors
- Monitoring subsea cable health, sensing the environment, and tracking disturbances in near real-time
We also look to commercialise our marine innovation where possible to maximise its potential for improving society’s understanding of the ocean.
NOC Innovations is at the forefront of innovation in designing, creating and using novel sensors and instruments.
Huw Gullick
Associate Director NOC Innovations